Interesting piece overall, as with everything you write -- been a big fan for almost 20 years. But one important footnote. Jewish Voice for Peace is the fringe of the fringe of the fringe. Saying that "some" Jews support them is like saying that some African American people support Candace Owens; sure, you can find a few; but to use the notion that groups like that exist (and have "some" -- a tiny number of very loud and media savvy -- supporters) to pretend that banning Zionists is not the same as banning Jews is not a respectable opinion. And, while I know this isn't your intent or your position, presenting that opinion as within acceptable discourse puts in danger the vast majority of us Jews who dare to recognize that we -- like all peoples, including the Palestinians, if they would just stop slaughtering us and start accepting the state they've been offered over and over -- have a right to self determination somewhere on this planet. Sorry for the rant, but didn't want to not have it addressed.

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For some insights into the ABA's real world impact, check out George Shepherd's piece on the origins of the standards, in "No African-American Lawyers Allowed: The Inefficient Racism of the ABA's Accreditation of Law Schools". https://www.jstor.org/stable/42893789

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