Thanks Elaine, and I totally agree with you. There has long been a double standard when it comes to Jewish people versus other minorities, and it's indefensible.
As a fellow free-speech die-hard, I'm strongly opposed to what Lukianoff and Haidt refer to as "safetyism" in The Coddling of the American Mind. But if you're going to have it, i…
Thanks Elaine, and I totally agree with you. There has long been a double standard when it comes to Jewish people versus other minorities, and it's indefensible.
As a fellow free-speech die-hard, I'm strongly opposed to what Lukianoff and Haidt refer to as "safetyism" in The Coddling of the American Mind. But if you're going to have it, it needs to protect all minorities, not just certain favored groups.
Thanks Elaine, and I totally agree with you. There has long been a double standard when it comes to Jewish people versus other minorities, and it's indefensible.
As a fellow free-speech die-hard, I'm strongly opposed to what Lukianoff and Haidt refer to as "safetyism" in The Coddling of the American Mind. But if you're going to have it, it needs to protect all minorities, not just certain favored groups.