What part of “ the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” is so hard to understand? I’m no lawyer but this is as plain as it can be. If you don’t like it, repeal it. Supreme Court just told you so. Like someone said if you have to ask for permission it isn’t a Right. Finally the federal government got put in …
What part of “ the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” is so hard to understand? I’m no lawyer but this is as plain as it can be. If you don’t like it, repeal it. Supreme Court just told you so. Like someone said if you have to ask for permission it isn’t a Right. Finally the federal government got put in its place and Dobbs ruling moves along the same line. When libs were getting their wishes granted by courts instead of going through legislative process, they loved it. Now when the court is going back to what the Fathers intended the libs want to start a revolution?
where do you see in the constitution that there's a right to EVERY SINGLE GUN THAT MIGHT BE AVAILABLE AT ANY TIME? using the logic of the current SCOTUS, there's no reason not to ban all guns but one exact type of gun - then there's still the right to bear arms. just one particular arm. that's no more illogical than somehow finding that women's autonomy over their own bodies isn't implicated by the anti-slavery ("no forced labor") right, or equal protection (when are men forced into medical conditions that last a year and could kill them? honestly, i'll wait....). big tell that you refer to the "Fathers" - yup, white men get to choose for all of us, ha - spoken like a true white man. maybe, how about we each get to choose for ourselves. and i'm not a "lib" - i'm a centrist, but you're not helping by sounding like a troll
What part of “ the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” is so hard to understand? I’m no lawyer but this is as plain as it can be. If you don’t like it, repeal it. Supreme Court just told you so. Like someone said if you have to ask for permission it isn’t a Right. Finally the federal government got put in its place and Dobbs ruling moves along the same line. When libs were getting their wishes granted by courts instead of going through legislative process, they loved it. Now when the court is going back to what the Fathers intended the libs want to start a revolution?
where do you see in the constitution that there's a right to EVERY SINGLE GUN THAT MIGHT BE AVAILABLE AT ANY TIME? using the logic of the current SCOTUS, there's no reason not to ban all guns but one exact type of gun - then there's still the right to bear arms. just one particular arm. that's no more illogical than somehow finding that women's autonomy over their own bodies isn't implicated by the anti-slavery ("no forced labor") right, or equal protection (when are men forced into medical conditions that last a year and could kill them? honestly, i'll wait....). big tell that you refer to the "Fathers" - yup, white men get to choose for all of us, ha - spoken like a true white man. maybe, how about we each get to choose for ourselves. and i'm not a "lib" - i'm a centrist, but you're not helping by sounding like a troll
Troll? Just take amotions and insults out of your post and you have nothing left at all...