Yes, Carlson's comment was asinine. But cut out the racist claptrap. Or should we start calling the Left's continuing attacks on Justice Thomas racist? Oops, no. Attacking a Black conservative by any Democrat is never racist. And, you forgot another factor: the Republicans don't stoop to the disgusting tactics Democrats have no problem with. The Leftist Elect still trot out Anita Hill, 30 years later, as if she was some feminist martyr; and have never had to pay a price for the equally loathsome attacks on Brett Kavanaugh.

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You can definitely call some of the attacks on Justice Thomas "racist"—or, if you don't like to use that word, "racially charged." Not all attacks on Justice Thomas are racist, but some of the attacks over the years have been—e.g., the claim that he was just the puppet of Justice Scalia. Anyone who knows anything about the Court knows that is not the truth and that Justice Thomas has his own robust jurisprudence that is quite distinct from that of Justice Scalia. But there were definitely people out there, including the late Senator Harry Reid, who would trash Justice Thomas as an intellectual lightweight while praising Justice Scalia (even if they disagreed with both on judicial philosophy, as Senator Reid generally did).

I agree with you that the "racist" label is thrown around far too liberally these days. But if it's hard to explain something on grounds other than race, then race might have something to do with it.

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Tucker Carlson is an execrable, shallow, pandering creep and that's the nicest thing I can say about him. Hopefully, Judge Jackson will be confirmed, and quickly. That said, I don't expect it to be easy--Lindsey Graham has already said that he's a "no", Lisa Murkowski is no sure thing, and I honestly don't know where Susan Collins stands.

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I agree with you on Senator Murkowski. After Judge Jackson was announced, Senator Murkowski issued a statement basically "reserving the right" to vote no, even though she had voted yes to put Judge Jackson on the D.C. Circuit—at a time when everyone in the world knew that KBJ was being groomed as a possible SCOTUS contender. So I wouldn't be shocked if she votes no.

Senator Graham usually votes yes on SCOTUS nominees; he often touts the fact that he has supported every nominee who has come up during his time in the Senate, including Justices Sotomayor and Kagan. But unfortunately for Judge Jackson, she went up against Judge Childs for this opening, and I think Senator Graham is mad that Judge Childs didn't get it—and will vote against Judge Jackson to signal his displeasure.

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