Mar 10, 2022Liked by David Lat

Yes, Carlson's comment was asinine. But cut out the racist claptrap. Or should we start calling the Left's continuing attacks on Justice Thomas racist? Oops, no. Attacking a Black conservative by any Democrat is never racist. And, you forgot another factor: the Republicans don't stoop to the disgusting tactics Democrats have no problem with. The Leftist Elect still trot out Anita Hill, 30 years later, as if she was some feminist martyr; and have never had to pay a price for the equally loathsome attacks on Brett Kavanaugh.

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Tucker Carlson is an execrable, shallow, pandering creep and that's the nicest thing I can say about him. Hopefully, Judge Jackson will be confirmed, and quickly. That said, I don't expect it to be easy--Lindsey Graham has already said that he's a "no", Lisa Murkowski is no sure thing, and I honestly don't know where Susan Collins stands.

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