Hasn't every Republican Presidential candidate since Gerald Ford said he'd appoint justices who would overrule Roe v. Wade? The amazing thing is that it took so long. Note, too, that there are many many conservatives who say about The Former Guy, "If it weren't for the judges he'll pick, he's no better than a Democrat."
Hasn't every Republican Presidential candidate since Gerald Ford said he'd appoint justices who would overrule Roe v. Wade? The amazing thing is that it took so long. Note, too, that there are many many conservatives who say about The Former Guy, "If it weren't for the judges he'll pick, he's no better than a Democrat."
Hasn't every Republican Presidential candidate since Gerald Ford said he'd appoint justices who would overrule Roe v. Wade? The amazing thing is that it took so long. Note, too, that there are many many conservatives who say about The Former Guy, "If it weren't for the judges he'll pick, he's no better than a Democrat."
Yeah, but he actually delivered on the promise, and his policies were 💯 opposite to those of any Democrat.