"Pretty much the same?" With Georgetown knocked out of the top 14!? What kind of yellow journalism are you running here Lat! Delete your account! They will be pouring extra whiskeys at the Irish Times and Dubliner today!

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And funnily enough, I spoke at Georgetown Law today too! They are taking it in stride. My guess is they figure, like the Terminator, that they’ll be back.

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How about ranking of law school library rooms? I didn't know Michigan's was so impressive. Reminds me of Yale. Much better than Northwestern's, even tho NW has the advantage of a lake next to it.

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Why do you think Duke jumped so far?

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Good question! Here are two possibilities (total speculation on my part):

1. The new methodology eliminated the “expenditures per student” factor. It’s possible Duke was spending less per pupil than its competitors.

2. The new methodology lowers the influence of the reputational scores. It’s possible Duke’s reputation hasn’t caught up to its educational quality (at least compared to its peers).

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