I like having book review posts. Several people have recommended Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media, by Jacob Mchangama, so I've ordered it. Samuel Chase is perhaps the only person who's been in federal exec, leg, jud branches and prominent in each (are there others? Taft wasn't legis, I think. Marshall?).

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You're right about Chief Justice Marshall—Chief Justice, Secretary of State, and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia (although I guess it depends on what you consider "prominent"; he was a congressman for just a single term).

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I read the promo to "Cheap Speech". Donald Trump "fomenting a violent insurrection"? Really? Hmmm. let me guess. I'll bet the author never mentions the years long Russian hoax perpetrated by the "mainstream" media, or the "Russian disinformation" the media claimed was the source of the emails and pictures on Hunter Biden's laptop. or the reputation destroying "leak" about Rep Matt Gaetz. Suppressing free--er "hate" speech or "disinformation" has been a badge of honor for the Left--the peasants, of course, are not able to discern fact from fiction like the Elect at the NYT WaPO and NPR. And even if it is not fact, like the Russian hoax stories, it was all for a good cause. Hence, not a word of apology. "Bizarre Q'Anon theories" mentioned in the promo are never going to influence the hordes, as the author apparently believes--and will never do the damage that the Elect have done with their well funded disinformation campaigns. Here's the problem for the Elect: in the past, we only had a few sources of information. So, the "most trusted man in America", Walter Cronkite, could intone that the US lost the Tet Offensive--a lie--but, today, he would not have been able to say that without push back from multiple sources. The Elect want to control speech because they have lost control. This book, according to the promo, appears to be a dishonest attempt to paint the peasants as incapable of discernment and in need of the Elect to regain control of the narrative. I would suggest an honest assessment of the state of free speech in this country would be a more useful book for lawyers.

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